Idealised by a caiçara woman named Luana Ribeiro, born in Guarujá, she spent most of her childhood on the beach. At the age of 15 he learnt to surf and everything that was a desire became a necessity. In 2016, he left his life on the beach to move to São Paulo.
With the move, his love for the beach only grew and he spent every weekend possible in his hometown.
The main reason for this change, however, was where the door to the world of fashion was, yes, she dropped everything and dedicated herself to a brand that was like family to her.
It was there that she met and learnt how the fashion world worked and realised that it was possible to start her project to make her dream come true. There were many attempts, but perseverance was always the best, and so Heyah was born.
bathed in sunlight
bathed in moonlight
Get dressed, heyah.